It started when I began sorting through the closet. As I ridded the racks and shelves of items that hadn’t seen the world outside of the closet in at least a year or two, it became blatantly obvious my wardrobe lacked color and pattern.
Now I’ve tried over the years to add a bit of color. T-shirts or scarves and other rare spots of color and pattern would find their way home with me, but black and grey were still my “go-to” colors. (Just look at my photo and you can see what I mean!) I admit that I am the type of girl who despite having a closet packed full of clothes, find myself repeatedly saying “I have nothing to wear!” I could stare at the racks and shelves and despite my creative mind, I cannot put a fun colorful look together to save my life. And accessories … now that’s a whole other story! :)
Yes, I know it’s just color and pattern, it shouldn’t be hard nor nearly this intimidating. After all, decorating is easy for me and practically the same concept if you think about it. My home is full of different styles. Warm and textured, crisp and clean, antique and modern are all juxtapositions that live together comfortably here. But for some reason applying these more carefree rules to getting dressed in the morning is a concept that I truly do not grasp.
This is where my latest obsession comes in … have you heard of it? … Its called “What I Wore Wednesday!” Upon the suggestion of a customer I peeked to take a look at Lindsay of
The Pleated Poppy was wearing. And it didn’t stop there! Not only did I see endless possibilities from her, but she links up with others providing even more wardrobe combinations!!! My absolute favorite of these links is that of
Lisa Leonard. I absolutely LOVE her ensembles! Her use of color, texture, and fearless layers are truly inspirational! I have spent hours scanning over her garb alone and now Wednesday has become my favorite day of the week!
So as I start my new year, not only will I wear sweats less and less, but I will go forth and be colorful and not fear doing so!