I've sat a lot over the last few years. Too much idle time for an artist is never a good
thing. Unless the day is filled with
books, activities or even a little TV (too much at times) my mind wanders to the
“what I can’t do’s”, or the “what I’d
rather be doing’s” and the “only if I could do it” thoughts.
So at the beginning of this year, I vowed to start each day
by heading to the studio and doing a little something. Puttering – if you will even if the hand was
having a bad day and wouldn’t let me paint like I’d like to I was determined to
do something. Anything really. I've varnished nearly anything I could (dear
husband fears if he sits too long, he too will be shellacked!) Rusty knickknacks
and antique wooden goodness around the studio have a fresh shiny coat thanks to
my little mission. Last week I even threw a coat of stain on my work table!
(Which by the way I had a customer say I should cut apart and sell the
spattered top!) I've made some simple little arrangements and the button wire
flowers I made years ago, have once again wrapped their way around old antique
glassware. I bought jewelry parts and whipped together some necklaces
(something I haven’t done in YEARS!) I redecorated our home office and helped
dear husband decorate his new office space too!
I even attacked a few canvases with great abstract gusto!
(an abstract for Randy's swanky new office at Medical Solutions!)
There were also books to be read (while sitting at my desk of
course!) and many days began and ended with sketching new ideas. I have
returned to the “Dr of Torture” for more therapy and working on getting my
favorite nerves in my neck and arm to calm themselves. So on the good days I
painted and slowly but surely a little pile amassed and works even popped up
for sale on line. It all helped to fill my mind and I was SO thankful to find
myself sitting (and thinking) less unless seated and twisting myself into a pretzel as directed by the aforementioned torture-ist.
So as much as I have loved winter, (even heading to Chicago on the
COLDEST and SNOWIEST days they’ve had in YEARS! Yep – we loved every minute of
it too! We’re crazy like that!) wearing
layers, tall boots, warm hats and the smell of imminent snow fall, both I and
the studio are ready for a touch of spring. The fact that the hammock is hanging now
steps beyond my studio door, and bits of green and life are popping up in the
garden, make me happy. Walks are filled less with worry
of wind gusts and chills and are now more about the sights and sounds of what winged
migrations has found its way to our little lake. It’s a good time of year. I like the change spring brings. And so now,
to clear the mind, and so I am no longer sitting – it is time to get a little
walk in, and feel the warm sun on my face.
(ahh ... hello clean desk freshly oiled and surrounded my family snaps!)