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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Just around the corner ...

For the first time in a long time there is a cool breeze outside my studio door.

The summer has been a long one here in Nebraska and as of lately it seemed that there was no end to the heat and humidity. So with that being my mind set, fall seemed so far off. However, I could not have been more wrong. As a group of gals from the Plum Pickens show gathered together last night, we were suddenly reminded of just how close fall is now. Kids are back in school, the forecast is looking at least in the short term cooler and the pile of things that need to be finished in time for the next open house are quickly building.

I think today calls for a walk around the lake and perhaps taking in some cooler air. Perhaps this is what I need to quickly change my focus to all things fall. I have been absent from the studio lately and I really need to settle back in. It is time to make lists, time to draw, cut, paint and stain my days away. I have so many ideas bursting (perhaps I do indeed work best under pressure!) and the time to complete all the projects is vanishing all too quickly.

New work is on its way ...


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