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Monday, May 10, 2010

Spring was in the air!

It is always so nice after several weeks of long hours, sleepless nights and admittedly a bit of stress to open my front door to a long line of smiling customers! Saturday was no exception. It always re-energizes me and it makes all the hard work worth while!

The faithful lined up early to swarm the garage and nab discounted goodness with our "SpRiNg CLeaNiNg SaLe!" The lawn was filled with great creations from Sandy and Cheryl. The house was packed with handmades and rescued finds. What a treat to display the talents of such wonderful artists!!!

I am so lucky to be able to do what I love for a living. And what a treat it is to be surrounded by so many creative minds, and what a comfort it can be to have a wide support system. I am looking forward to getting back in the studio and straight back to work. There are so many ideas rattling around in my head right now! The world is bursting with color and it is so inspiring after our long winter. And speaking of color ... look at some of the fun from our Spring Show!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wanna see more!!! Do you know when you might have your pattern packets ready?

Sun May 23, 12:57:00 AM CST  

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