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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

All things fall ...

As the world outside is all too quickly turning brilliant shades of autumn, it was time to take a break from the the studio and dig into the storage room and unearth our autumn decor. It is always such fun to dive into the giant plastic totes and rediscover all of the fall and Halloween goodness! Some of which I forget that I even had from year to year. I pace from room to room looking for the perfect spot for the pieces and create little vignettes about the home.

New this year I am attacking the dining room and creating a fun Halloween scene. I am not sure why I have never done much in that room before ... but I had a "vision" of sorts! My husband questioned my sanity as I brought in the giant dead tree branches and bought yards and yards of black tulle. I even see some craftiness with glue and black glitter in the very near future and all just in time to have friends over for the first annual "Pumpkin Night" where we will consume and enjoy all things pumpkin and squash related! Ready the recipe book please!

And this is one of my favorite surfaces in the house to decorate ... many pieces gathered and collected over the years ...

For me, THIS is the most wonderful time of the year. I hope that you can take the time to enjoy it ... especially the warm sunny days like today.


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