So I am now going to admit after two years I have lost my battle ... with my vacuum.
I have tried, I have taken it in for "tune ups", belt replacements, and Lord knows what else. It's kind of like a used car! Once you sink so much money into it, you just hate to throw in the towel! I know, it is a bit insane to talk about (even obsess) about a vacuum, but we have gotten to know each other very well over the last seven years! :-) (OK, send me to the sanitarium now!) Consumer reports said it was a great vacuum! They lied and I would like my $ back :-)
The green beast of a Eureka does indeed have a personality! NO LIE! Did you know that it hates my husband? It seems like every time he gets a-hold of it, something snaps or breaks and in the end something typically smokes. I don't know what he does to it, but there is something going on there between those two. Maybe the cats have a reason to fear that green thing.
Well, hang your hat over your hearts, and say your good-byes. The green beast is going to "follow the light" that ends at the end of our driveway right next to the trash dumpster next Tuesday morning. I have done everything I can to explain to it that it needed to straighten up, or its days were numbered. I think it knew my fear on spending $$$ on a new machine. Perhaps it was intimidated by us talking about the Dyson in front of it. ;-)
Anyone have a suggestion for a great new vacuum? Let me know!